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hi i'm sadguy i'm very tired and a little sad.
my goal is to make games and show them to everyone else!!1!
in the future i'm gonna be releasing some stuff:)!
i love pixel art.
my itch. io page: https://jaarman.itch.io/


They/them or any. I’m perpetually solving some problem.
Norm the of out break to chance every embraces.

🔗2023: https://reddersstuff.weebly.com

I post progress of my works and other shenanigans on my Twitter: https://twitter.com/cptredder

I began learning game design, game art, and programming on the Hopscotch app as a child. I used RPG Maker for a few months at 10. I've been developing on Roblox Studio since 13. I’ve been learning Unity since 19. Now I am learning Pico-8 for my personal satisfaction.

I like action platformers and beat-em-up games.