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The Crab Boss V2 is here! Please tell me if you see any glitches, or have an idea for something to make my game more fun. I hope you enjoy!

Cart #thecrabbossv2-2 | 2024-09-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Whats New

The "Aim Toggle". Aiming directions have been added! Origanally, you just pressed X, and the bomb would be thrown.

Outlines! I created an automatic outline function, and added it to sprites and text.

Also, I added pressing X then Z to skip the beginning cutscene.


Wow, this game is so... random. But beatable. Had a good time replaying it until I got it.

Interesting that the crab stops being a threat when you're aiming. presents a sort of strategy where you can wait out his movement until you're safe to cancel it and move.

very hard gg also the crab looks like hes having a seizure xd

I've beaten v1 crab and have beaten this one as well.
One thing that I wish is the crab to chase player or at least align itself with player. This will force player to move around and find perfect time to aim the bomb. Try applying this when crab's HP is low.

About the bomb, what about alternate bombs? such as bomb with wider AoE but takes more time to detonate? or heal bomb which can heal you but can heal the crab as well?

@851523 yeah ha ha it does

@Bloodbane thank you for the feedback! The alternate bombs idea is cool, I'll probably put it in V3.

  • Movements :
    Set the btnp 1st dealy to 4 frames instead of the default 15 with poke(0x5F5C,4) to remove the slight pause from the player after 1st movement in a series.
    "staircase" diagonal movement is nice when it works, but fails most of the time. Check all 4 direction, opposites should cancel each-other. If a diagonal is pressed, imagine the player is on a checkerboard. if on a black square, move horizontally, and if on a white square, move vertically. This way the nice diagonal movement will work all the time. if you have the X and Y coordinates of the player in steps, you can check the color of the checkerboard tile with
    if((x+y)%2==0) then

hearts can be confused with bonus hearts and could be moved in the top info part of the screen. (or you could animate the heart bonus to make it distinct from health status.) Bombs remaining could also appear there.

  • ennemy
    crab seems to be blind. giving the moves that bring him closer to the player a slightly higher probability would make the game more challenging.
  • visual glitch
    if a bomb spawns at the top of the playing area, it will permanently clear part of the white line.
  • bug
    after winning the game, you need to reset the cart to play again.

@RealShadowCaster thank you so much! I will fix all of this, your feedback really helped me out! I never thought of animating hearts, though its a obvious thing I should have done. Thank you!

Yep, I just checked my game and set the crab HP to 0, pressed X in the win screen, and...

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