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I'm on mac OS 12.5 intel, Picotron 0.1.0e

I had this code which was fine:
local x= 240 + cos(angle) * radius

Then I commented a part of it:
local x= 240 + --[[cos(angle)--]] * radius

I forgot to comment the * operation too so I guess Picotron didn't like adding and multiplying at the same time... And voila!

Can you guys recreate this or am I the only one?

EDIT: WTF! I reopened Picotron (which was frozen in background while I was writing this post and it fixed itself! but now I have a different bug LOL. The editor and the desktop now both work perfect, I can do everything, saving works too...

But sprite editor, map editor and music editor have to classic [empty workspace] blue interface.

Also if I click on the Terminal it freezes again!
The good news is I just have to click "esc" to return to the code and edit it.
So I corrected the code and the cart ran fine again.

Still have "empty workspace" on all editors doe, is there a way to have everything back without restarting?

P#145683 2024-04-04 15:42 ( Edited 2024-04-04 15:42)

Since saving worked all right, you could just re-load the cart you were working on, and the editors should come back.

P#145704 2024-04-04 20:19

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