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Hello everyone, how do I combat my sprite sheet, page 2 and 3, altering the lower part of the map, do they share the same data perhaps?
Is it not fixable at all? Please I am open to any response disappointing, or relieving. Thanks in advance.

P#139520 2024-01-02 05:11

Yes the bottom half of the map and spritesheet are the same memory region. (0x1000) You have to decide how you want to use the space.
For example if you want map space and sprite space you could split it in half with 3 screens-high of map space and just not using page "2" in the sprite editor.

P#139521 2024-01-02 05:53 ( Edited 2024-01-02 05:53)

You may be interested in the area of memory set aside for "General use/extended map" although it is not as simple to use, it may provide an necessary alternative.


P#139522 2024-01-02 06:36

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