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How do I start off first

I mean where do I start coding i know what a function is but I dont know were to start

P#132283 2023-07-23 13:13


Lazydevs basic shmup tutorial on youtube is a good start. He goes through all the basics. I only got about halfway through before I started to figure out stuff by myself.

P#132286 2023-07-23 15:46

Understand the basics. Get to grips with displaying a character on the screen and moving it about using the keys - this really should not take long.

Think about what you want to achieve, make a list and start thinking about how to achieve the items on the list.

I agree with @Doriencey - check out the Lazydevs tutorials. They are really food.

Good luck

P#132287 2023-07-23 16:05

definitely recomend you nerdy teachers.
Also their youtube tutorials because they are very easy to understand and relative short.
Wish you fun. :)

P#132292 2023-07-23 19:01

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