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Cart #bad_rooms_ld55-2 | 2024-04-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Ludum Dare 55 entry

X/C cycle spells + Arrow keys to move
1-4 players vs 0-3 CPU players (max 4)

P#147290 2024-04-25 10:53 ( Edited 2024-04-28 13:53)

Step 1: accidentally summon a shield goblin
Step 2: summon goblin bowmen, forever
Step 3: win

P#147297 2024-04-25 13:52

It's a pretty strong strategy, the balancing still needs a bit of tweaking. Even using that strategy come close to losing as AI leans to a similar strategy too.

P#147298 2024-04-25 14:12

Found a bug:

P#147331 2024-04-25 21:16 ( Edited 2024-04-25 21:16)

@Verb ah biscuits, guessing it was penultimate wizard who died and the update function for either the target acquisition, wizard update, or spell casting screwed up. Thank you, will take a look at that and see if I can figure out the exact cause. Everytime I think I got every case another exact same runtime error ocurred, why would I have thought I should have gotten them all by now -_- thank you, will try to fix it

P#147335 2024-04-25 22:05

Aaand here's another, slightly different one 😅:

this was after a few rounds, right as the last wizard died

Runtime errors can be a real pain to track down sometimes. Good luck bug-hunting!

P#147342 2024-04-26 00:29 ( Edited 2024-04-26 00:29)

I really like this. It is a bit raw and unbalanced and desperately needs some sounds, but I had a lot of fun playing this and unleashing my goblin hordes against my foes.

@RyanC I experienced the same issue @Verb reported.

I really hope you develop this cart further.

P#147371 2024-04-26 13:05

@Verb, hadnt had time yet to work on it but looks like its my system for handling AI. Probbaly just need to shove in another check somewhere when I fail to retrieve a valid target and there are still additional creatures to process.

@phil, oops... I will be honest, I completely forgot about audio XD Yeah, I should probably add at least some basic sounds before I finalise the casual jam release. I will probably keep the dual aspect as a quick play option but I do plan to develop further by using another concept I got stalled on. Basic idea is you a much weaker wizard, fight monsters in a room, pick door to collect power up of some kind (spells, buffs etc) then keep going until a boss...? Havent quite finished off that idea. I will probably polish off the combat system and add a bunch more spells such as terrain modifiers, more buffs/debuffs, other creatures etc.

P#147397 2024-04-26 20:20

@Verb & @phil, I should have gotten the runtime errors fixed now (I did some extra error checking in the affected areas which should prevent it) plus I also tweaked things to change the balancing a bit. Ranged goblins now shoot half as quickly, sword goblins now run a bit faster (to close the range on archers), and fireballs now do a half decent AOE effect which can wipe out a bunch of goblins at once. I also tweaked the bounce upon hit so you can't run around meaning if units gang up it can bring fights to an end a little quicker.

Still need to do sound which I will look at tomorrow.

P#147402 2024-04-26 22:07

And ended up being busy yesterday, so grabbed some time today and done some super basic simple audio. It's very basic and no soundtrack (as I suck at those).

P#147494 2024-04-28 13:54

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