Just a little prototype of a character from Among Us who can bounce around and change their color.
First version:
Update 1, 9/21/2020: made movement smoother and made shadow smaller.
Update 2, 10/3/2020:
-Normalized diagonal movement
-Added walk animation
-Added color select screen
I like it, if I were to add on to it though I would add a frame (or 2?) of the kick, the kick in the animation I feel is really the focal part.
Like the sprite though!
You're absolutely right; I think a smaller hopping animation and a few kick frames would make this
make sure you normalize the movement so when you move diagonally you don't move faster that vertically or horizontally
Hey guys, I added all the things y'all said! The kick ani and normalization; on top of that, I added a color select :)
That looks amazing! I was thinking about a kick but that looks way better than what I imagined, gg
you should add footstep sounds, it just feels wrong without that "clink clank clink clank" sound The Skeld's floor makes. other than that, this is amazing!
Does that mean there's a pico-8 version of among us coming soon?
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