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Cart #f1_bahrain_gp_track_guide-0 | 2024-03-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Just sharing a short and fun little project I did in honor of the first race of the 2024 Formula One season; the Bahrain Grand Prix. I wanted to include more trivia about the track but ran out of time (the race starts in 8 hours!).

P#142306 2024-03-02 06:33 ( Edited 2024-03-09 01:43)


Cart #f1_saudi_arabia_gp_track_guide-0 | 2024-03-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

We'll see if I can keep up with the F1 calendar, but so far so good. Here's the track guide for this week's Grand Prix in Saudi Arabia. It was a bit of a challenge fitting this long thin track into 128 pixels!

I was able to round this one out and include a bit more info/trivia about the track that I didn't have time for last week and I'm fairly happy with the result. I'll likely go back and update Bahrain to match.

P#142659 2024-03-09 01:49

Cart #f1_australia_gp_track_guide-1 | 2024-03-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Round 3 - the Australian Grand Prix!

P#144109 2024-03-22 05:17 ( Edited 2024-03-22 05:27)

I keep looking forward to these - I am pretty new to pico-8 and so seeing these as an F1 fan give me great inspiration. Keep up the great work!

P#144213 2024-03-23 12:21

Knowing that there's at least one person out there beyond my friends and family that is enjoying these is hugely motivating. Thanks for the kind words!

P#144354 2024-03-25 00:52

Cart #f1_japan_gp_track_guide-0 | 2024-04-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Round 4 - Japan! (one of my personal favorites!)

I'm experimenting with a different color scheme for the track layout this time. I wanted to try and improve contrast on the small screen of my Miyoo Mini +. Made a few other small tweaks to the template here and there. Enjoy!

P#145814 2024-04-05 17:10

love this

P#145980 2024-04-07 15:19

Cart #f1_china_gp_track_guide-0 | 2024-04-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Round 5 - China!

We're back in Shanghai for the first time since 2019! It also happens to be the 20th anniversary of the inaugural race in 2004!

P#146924 2024-04-19 04:03

Cart #f1_miami_gp_track_guide-0 | 2024-05-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Round 6 is upon us! In the words of the great philosopher Will Smith, "Welcome to Miami!"

P#147854 2024-05-03 17:25

Cart #f1_imola_gp_track_guide-1 | 2024-05-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Round 7 - The Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix

Well, the "Formula 1 MSC Cruises Gran Premio Del Made In Italy E Dell'Emilia-Romagna" if you're being technical, but how am I supposed to fit that in 128 pixels?!

P#148549 2024-05-17 16:21 ( Edited 2024-05-18 02:26)

Cart #f1_monaco_gp_track_guide-0 | 2024-05-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Round 8 - Monaco!!!

This was one of the more challenging tracks to fit into this format so far, and with stats dating back over 70 years, the data entry was a lot more tedious than previous tracks. Phew, glad this one is finished! Looking forward to the race this weekend!

P#148888 2024-05-24 03:16

Cart #f1_canada_gp_track_guide-0 | 2024-06-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Round 9 - The Canadian Grand Prix!

P#149585 2024-06-07 14:42

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