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Cart #picokaiju-9 | 2022-01-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


You are one big monster with a thirst for destruction. This quick turn-based roguelike PICO-8 game is all about stomping, smashing, grabbing, and chomping your way through a procedurally generated hapless city and its tiny citizens.

Also available at itch.io


  • D-pad (arrow keys), move the Kaiju by one tile
  • O button (Z, N, C), ROAR
  • X button (X, M, V), Open abilities menu

The mobs will move once you perform an action (movement, roars and abilities).

Score tracker at the bottom right shows "current points"/"points until next powerup".


Mobs have a chance to spawn every other turn (except for civilians) and the max count is based on your kaiju's destruction.

  • Civilians
    Spawn every turn. Scared and immobile protein shakes.
  • Cop Car
    Deals 1 DMG. Range 1 tile in all 8 directions. Protein shake in a can.
  • Copter
    Same as Cop Car but flies over buildings except for tall ones.
  • Tank
    Deals 2 DMG. Range 5 tiles and shoots only in cardinal directions (Up, Left, Down, Right).
  • Mad Scientist (UFO)
    Same as Copter but also adds 1 Poison DMG per turn. There is no antidote.


  • To regain energy, first select GRAB in the abilities menu and select a mob to grab, then select CHOMP in the abilities menu to eat the mob.
  • To regain health, use the ROAR button.
  • Points are multiplied by a combo meter. Combo increases if you do several destructions in a row and resets on no destruction. CHOMP will also increase the combo meter.
  • All mobs may be grabbed and walked on. Even the helicopters and the mysterious mad scientist.
P#103706 2021-12-29 00:33 ( Edited 2022-01-20 12:10)


A lot of fun! Nice twist to the roguelike genre!

P#103708 2021-12-29 00:53

"All things must come to pass."

Looks like we sent that monster packing. Superb turn-based game. A little tricky to play but once learned its quite enjoyable.

Gold star for your excellent city demolish game, @spoike.

P#103728 2021-12-29 03:08

Once I figured out the mechanics that was a ton of fun! will come back to play this more later

P#103758 2021-12-29 11:36

come to think of think i never seen a dinosaur kaiju, i mean sure there's godzilla but he's more of a lizard creature than a dinosaur so my point still stands

P#103760 2021-12-29 14:15

This game is so addictive! I'm a big Godzilla fan and this game has brilliant gameplay, one of the best I've seen in the kaiju genre.
Great job!

P#103901 2021-12-31 12:05

Well done, what a great, fun game! Thank you!

P#105062 2022-01-14 08:36

fun stuff got 19050 on my first attempt.

did not get to the mad scientists tho, will have to try again

P#105467 2022-01-21 15:05

Lovely game - very inventive and great fun.

P#105468 2022-01-21 15:18

So, am I correct in saying that there's no real ending to this game? I destroyed all the buildings and trees, and then it just kinda kept going. But at that point, it was too easy to keep surviving indefinitely...

P#106318 2022-02-04 11:04

Looks like I have to tweak the difficulty for late stage.

Though I need some more tokens for that unfortunately.

P#106319 2022-02-04 11:36

Score 12575

P#108361 2022-03-10 03:18

Amazing concept! I love the logic behind the enemy behaviour- copters can’t fly over skyscrapers, tanks won’t fire past buildings or cop card but will shoot through copter spaces, etc. I noticed one possible bug - using Throw seems to reset your combo counter?

Anyway brilliant idea.

P#108780 2022-03-17 01:29

Fantastic idea and beautiful execution

P#109163 2022-03-25 21:46

Just wanted to chime in and say this is one of my absolute favorite pico-8 games and I keep going back to it. Absolutely brilliant. Plus I love that Night on Bald Mountain was used on the title screen. Epic.

P#109285 2022-03-27 21:44


P#113900 2022-07-02 14:38

Got a score of 188000! Took me 169 turns.

P#124887 2023-01-26 14:24

Just a very cool concept in and of itself, but you really delivered in all aspects. It's so much dang fun to zap a row of buildings, as it should be!

P#146988 2024-04-20 01:11

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