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oh btw zep, i was playing a level with snow then died and left it on when i came back (hours later) the room was epically filling with snow. Just wondered what you did to cater for what happens when a snow room is left open indefinately so it doesnt just fill the whole room


hey @zep can we still play zoot somewhere?

@merwok I was wondering the same thing! I couldn't find it in Voxatron's SPLORE when I searched for it:

So I can only assume:

    1. It didn't get uploaded to SPLORE for whatever reason. (Perhaps?)
    1. It was canceled or has yet to be released. (Unlikely, given screenshot evidence of it being in a rather good developmental state, and the fact that it's possible to do the 'complete these objectives in any order' trick (see Chaos Fortress) and it didn't seem to be waiting on any other tricky features.)
    1. It was removed from SPLORE due to... I dunno. (I REALLY doubt this one.)
    1. We both suck at finding Zoot in SPLORE. (Possible if the search function sucks or if it isn't labeled 'Zoot'.)

Really hoping @zep gets back to us on what happened here. If nothing else, it would provide a bit of insight into Voxatron's development history.

Also, are you like me in that you like to go through zep's post history to find out tidbits about the development of our favorite fantasy consoles, or did you happen upon this thread randomly and decided to ask about how Zoot went? :]

EDIT: I noticed that one of the featured carts (the one called city) is by anthony_flack, so I searched by:anthony_flack...

...And that was the only thing on there. Looking up the cart's thread turned up very little additional information, and the only other thread by Anthony Flack on the forums was a prior attempt to upload that same level, and his last post period was on 2011-11-08 07:03, just five days after his first post (the aforementioned failed upload attempt) and approximately ten months before this thread where zep claims to have been talking to Anthony, and five months after zep said he was on the dev team proper, and speaking of which, that sci-fi level also seems very doable in modern versions of Voxatron.

So I have to wonder... did this guy die or something? Was there some sort of drama between Anthony and zep that caused the two to go their separate ways? Is it still under development after all this time with no information or updates on the project? What the ever-loving hell happened here???


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