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I've tried a few guides to try and make a quick booting PICO-8 cartridge for RetroFlag GPi Case (https://www.retroflag.com/GPi-CASE.html), most of them seem outdated and not completely easy IMHO.

I'm pretty familiar with LAKKA (https://www.lakka.tv/) - a retroarch distro that supports plenty of devices and is based on OpenELEC, so uses a very lightweight quick booting goodness.

So, here goes a small guide:

  1. Download a compatible LAKKA image for the GPi-Case: (https://le-builds.lakka.tv/GPICase.arm/Lakka-GPICase.arm-3.2.img.gz) OR a later one if this post gets too old.
  2. "burn" the image to a micro-sd (16Gb should be more than enough).
  3. Put it back in the GPi-Case and let it boot at least once so that it can resize the partition.
  4. Once booted and in retroarch, goto Settings -> Services -> Enable SSH
  5. Still in Settings, goto Wifi, and connect to your local Wifi.
  6. Go back to the main menu, and select Information -> Network to view the IP address you got.
  7. Login via SSH from your PC (root/root).
  8. Run the following:
    mkdir /storage/roms/pico-8
    cd /storage/roms/pico-8
  9. Download the pico-8 pi binary (if you bought it, you should have the URL):
    'wget https://www.lexaloffle.com/dl/xxxxxx/pico-8_0.2.2c_raspi.zip'
  10. run this command: unzip ./pico-8_0.2.2c_raspi.zip
  11. create a runscript for pico-8:
    nano /storage/roms/pico-8/run_pico8.sh
  12. paste the following into the script:
    SDL_VIDEO_GL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/libGLESv2.so SDL_VIDEO_EGL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/libGLESv2.so /storage/roms/pico8 -splore -preblit_scale 6 -draw_rect 32,0,256,240 -pixel_perfect 0
  13. create a systemd service file for pico-8:
    nano /storage/.config/system.d/pico8.service
  14. paste the following into the systemd service:
    KillMode=killall pico8
  15. Enable the service systemctl enable pico8.service
  16. poweroff the gpi, and insert the micro-sd back into your PC.
  17. disable retroatch by editing cmdline.txt and adding the following to the end of the boot= line:
  18. That's it. put the micro-sd back in the cart, and it should boot straight into PICO-8 splore mode.

If in the future, you want to switch back to retroarch:
remove the retroarch=0 and add pico8=0 to the end of the boot= line in the cmdline.txt file.

P#95561 2021-08-01 19:33 ( Edited 2021-08-01 20:08)