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indie game dev makin' nonsense


you found my profile! as a reward for visiting, you may look at the paragraph below...

through a patented process, I have determined with 99% accuracy that these two carts which I have pinned are the two best dog-themed games on the BBS:


I like penguins, and sometimes make games.


Hi, I make games.


Hi there,
I make stuff!

Check out my twitter (@johanpeitz) to see the latest!

Don't be afraid to say hi,
<3 Johan


Music and sound!


Making fantasy consoles (Voxatron, PICO-8 and Picotron) and trying to make my way back to userland.


sometimes, when i'm in the right mood, i make video games and art. or something.


I code things sometimes.

Celeste and Hollow Knight and Portal 2 and Baba Is You and Prey and Outer Wilds and Ori and Minecraft.