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Cart #linearflood-0 | 2022-03-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

L and R click to make it increase/decrease

i made it on TIC80 while making a game about memory loss and this was a very special VFX that i made for it.

it places a lot of circles (called shadows) in a grid on the screen, and then resize then cased on something (a player or a mouse position)
the far away it is, the bigger a circle is; when it's closer, it becomes small or invisible

it also uses a lerp function to be smooth, and a "flood" variable to define how much of the screen is covered by circles

for more stuff like that visit me at linearharu.itch.io

P#109463 2022-03-31 13:37 ( Edited 2023-03-04 19:37)