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I got my hands finally on Pico-8 a few weeks back and after doing a couple of examples, I set about making my own game to help learn some more about coding in Pico-8. So here it is, my firs very shoddy attempt a a game in Pico-8.

It is a rather simplistic game, you just have to survive as long as you can. The code in there could be much better but it was all a learning curve and I am more impressed that I got all of this built within a week and a half of just coding away at night time after finishing work.

Instructions on the opening screen allow you only at that point to change the controls of the tank.

Cart #retaliation-1 | 2020-07-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

V1.1 (04-07-20) Took advice and made changes to how SFX and music are played, also added a few extra effects once your score goes above 70 and also made a change to the difficulty to make it slightly easier later on.

P#78839 2020-07-03 12:12 ( Edited 2020-07-04 14:23)