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The Lost Night Release
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Cart #the_lost_night-6 | 2023-01-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


WASD/Arrows to move
X Interact/Shoot
Z  Move faster (unlockable)

How to play

You wake up in the middle of a spooky town trying to find your way back home. Help the citizens of this weird town and they will open paths for you.


The streets are swarming with spirits and if you let them, they will take you away. Shoot them down with your mysterious powers and win candy in return.

Spend your candy on vending machines across the town, and grow in power. Make sure to find them all as the night progresses, the spirits become spookier.

We appreciate your feedback.
-Thanks for playing


Source Code
WIP thread
itch.io version which includes a guide

Prev games



P#88259 2021-02-27 17:33 ( Edited 2023-01-03 19:43)

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Cart #the_lost_night-4 | 2021-02-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


1.3 [23/02/2021]

  • Better Luisa

1.2 [22/02/2021]

  • Added all the missing NPC/Buildings content
  • Final Scene
  • Improved Dog logic
  • Improved baddies logic
  • Make sure to remove a message on battle
  • Balancing changes

1.1 [17/10/2020]

  • Changed the door asset to make it more visible.
  • Stop spawning enemies when you exit a room.
  • The whole world is open! You can navigate all the world sections.

1.0 [15/10/2020]

  • First area of the game available
  • Walk around and talk to the citizens of this weird looking town
  • Battle spooky spooks.

This is a work in progress

A spooky themed RPG inspired in Earthbound. we finished the first area where you can move around, interact with the NPCs in the game, enter all the houses that have a door and battle mysterious spirits. We are currently balancing the game and adding all the dialog to the other areas of the map, but would love feedback on the general game, sadly we are hitting the size limits so feature request are limited, (we have ~50 tokens left).


  • Arrows to move.
  • X interact.
  • Z Use unlockable ability.


  • Arrows to move
  • X Shoot

Thanks for playing.


Source Code

Prev games



Past versions

Cart #the_lost_night-1 | 2020-12-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cart #the_lost_night-2 | 2020-12-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cart #the_lost_night-3 | 2021-02-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

P#85399 2020-12-15 19:06 ( Edited 2021-02-24 00:55)

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Cart #pullfrog-3 | 2020-10-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Play on Itch

Cactus blocks are falling for some reason. You, a little frog named frog, have to jump and dodge out of their way. Set them up in lines in order to clear them off of your land.

-Pull them with your tongue while they're green and falling.

-Turn them into dust once they're dry, yellow, and set on the ground.

Just be careful using that tongue of yours. Getting squished is easier than you think.

-Raise your acrobatics game by upgrading your jump height and tongue length every time you clear 3 lines.

-Collect all the eyes and uncover the mystery.

-But most of all we hope you have fun!

Pullfrog is a game created by Joven Paul and Mario Carballo. Made in Pico8 over the month of June 2020. We had a ton of fun making it and we learned a lot. If you have any feedback about it, feel free to let us know! We want to balance it just right so all kinds of players can enjoy it.

-Thanks for playing

P#78775 2020-07-04 16:59 ( Edited 2020-10-26 22:11)

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I'm working on a new game and trying some nice advance platform techniques, currently it has support for.

I don't think the codes is good enough to make it work on any game but maybe it helps someone :) would also love some feedback if someone has any.


You can toggle the debug info with X

Cart #frogtris-0 | 2020-06-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

General resources dump

Full Celeste Twitter thread
AABB + Swept collisions on GBC
Kyle Pulver nudge Assistance
Kyle Pulver coyote jumping
Rodrigo Monteiro The Guide to implementing 2D platformers
Sonic collisions
Yoann Pignole Platformer controls
Advance Platform movemnt
Jumping Graphs For Platformer Games
N++ Collision Detection and Response
Why Does Celeste Feel So Good to Play? | Game Maker's Toolkit

Pico8 Specific resources

Nerdy Teachers Platformer setup
Advanced Micro Platformer - Starter Kit

P#78512 2020-06-25 19:38 ( Edited 2020-07-10 23:00)

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Cart #virush-3 | 2020-07-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A small survival turn based game where you have to build defenses to defeat all the virushes and survive the quarantine.

Arrow keys to move and navigate menus.
[X] To place or upgrade defenses
[Z] To swap between defenses

Defeat all the virushes in a level to advance to the next day
Look for materials, they pop randomly on the level
Upgrade the your defenses so they can reach enemies

Code: Mario Carballo (@afk_mario)
Art+Audio: JP (@eljovenpaul)


P#77498 2020-06-01 17:59 ( Edited 2020-07-05 20:28)

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Cart #snake_afk-1 | 2019-11-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Did a really simple snake game during Saturday night :) haven't figured out how to properly increase the speed of the game so help with that and feedback is vert much appreciated.


Added particles screen shake high score and difficulty selector

Cart #snake_afk-3 | 2019-11-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

P#69782 2019-11-10 18:45 ( Edited 2019-11-11 07:44)