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For you new people at PICO-8 and even some of you veterans, you may or may not be aware that you can create a BATCH file to run PICO-8 with very precise settings. Here is the one I use:


@run-pico8.exe -gif_len 120 -windowed 1 -width 692 -height 650 -draw_rect 10,5,672,640 -sound 64 -music 64 -pixel_perfect 0 -software_blit 1 -desktop c:\david\games\pico-8\pico-8_win32\roms\_snaps -home c:\david\games\pico-8\pico-8_win32

You can use this as a SHORTCUT too but it is too long, I think a Windows shortcut only allows 64-characters. So if you can, a BATCH file will work just as well.

Modify to your liking and - Hope This Helps !

P#66252 2019-07-31 18:45

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