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A couple of things worth seeingâ€|

Recently leaked radio edit of new Björk single with NES game 'Ice Climber' played in time with it.

The last part of Michel OCELOT's compilation film 'Princes et princesses' - his most obvious tribute to Lotte REINIGER.

And this is from an even earlier series - 'La Princesse insensible' from 1986.

I could have posted lots more about REINIGER and OCELOT, but I should spent that time working on my web site about them. Then I can simply post the link to that site, once I get it online.

And this probably warrants it's own thread, but as I don't want to overwhelm the forum with them - I created a Lexaloffle fan group on Facebook.

Not sure if above link will work - but search for 'Lexaloffle' or 'Lexaloffle Love' and you'll probably find it.

P#95 2007-04-10 16:11 ( Edited 2007-04-10 20:11)

Ah, delicious link soup. Princes et Princesses is fantastic. For such a simple story, it carries so much weight.

Unfortunately the Björk video has been taken down already. But here's Hyperballad instead:


And thanks for making the facebook group - that's awesome!

P#97 2007-04-12 01:30 ( Edited 2007-04-20 19:12)

Rather amusingly, the real "Earth Intruders" video has turned out to be a very similar style to 'Princes et princesses' - though of a somewhat darker subject matter (it also has the side-on look of Hyperballad). There are several clips of it floating around YouTube, and I don't have time to go chasing them right now. But this is the official preview:

Apparently, one of the other videos for this new album is going to chosen from a free-to-enter competition. Would be nice it had come /after/ I learned how to animate, and if one had more than just 3 months to make it.

And I almost, well, I did forget another little animation, as wonderful as 'Prince et princesse'. It's 'La Grua y la jirafa', by Vladimir BELLINI.

P#131 2007-04-20 15:12 ( Edited 2007-04-20 19:12)

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