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Cart #xhive-1 | 2024-05-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Xhive is a single stage retro Shoot 'em up. You control a spaceship across a procedurally generated scrolling level and try to destroy various enemies to get the highest score.


The origin of the hostile aliens has been found. Your job is to fly into the xeno hive with one of the best combat spaceship and kill everything.


  • If you shoot, you move slower.
  • Colliding with the hive, aliens or their projectiles will damage your ship.
  • After you leave the hive, an NG+ starts.
  • Every run, the hive is procedurally generated.


  • Move: Arrow Keys
  • Shoot: X
  • Pause: Enter

Release History


  • ADD: Implemented message system: Displays messages upon game start and when a new high score is achieved.
  • ADD: Added sound effect when boss enemy spawns additional enemies.
  • ADD: Enemies projectiles now leave particles upon impact.
  • CHG: Increased boss enemy's health.
  • CHG: If a new high score is achieved and the player navigates from the pause menu to the main menu, the new high score will be saved.
  • CHG: Changed the color of enemy explosions.
  • CHG: Adjusted level layout.
  • CHG: Adjusted cartridge layout.
  • FIX: Player is now centered at the beginning of the game.


  • Initial version.
P#148002 2024-05-06 15:20 ( Edited 2024-05-13 07:56)

Can you make it so we can move up and down on the screen?

P#148008 2024-05-06 16:13

Purely theoretically yes. But the scroll mechanic of the level is not designed for this.

P#148012 2024-05-06 16:30

Nice. Great sounds and music. The timing of the power-ups is really well judged.

P#148047 2024-05-07 07:56

Thanks for your feedback

P#148049 2024-05-07 08:32

I like how you move slow when you’re shooting, but I think it’s a little too slow.
You should also make it so you can move up and down.
I also don’t like how the game just restarts when you win. I think you should change those things and then I would really like it. But other than those things, it’s really good. Good job on this!

P#148052 2024-05-07 10:54

Thanks for your feedback. Being able to move up and down is often desired. I think I would implement it with Xhive 2. The restart was intended as a simple solution to make the game "endless", but it's not optimal. The sweet spot for the ship movement is difficult to hit, my idea behind the speed was that when you shoot you can hardly dodge and so you have to decide whether to shoot or dodge. Higher speeds did not have this effect.

P#148056 2024-05-07 12:41

I´ve just played for a short time, but I can say it's a great Pico game. Very well done. The concept is strong, the art is cool and it feels great to play. I like that it is very demanding (you get hit a lot) but items are very abundant. So the gameplay is very fun. I think you did a great job. I hope more people play it. Congratulations!

P#148074 2024-05-07 18:43

I beat the bosses 4 times and quit with 255700 points. It'd be neat if it got harder each loop or something like that. I enjoyed it; fun game!

P#148090 2024-05-07 21:46

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