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I was wondering how to adjust the cartridge label and the starting level. There is a prop called 'label' that gets its own entire tab, but it does nothing, and it looks like levels start at the room where you leave them, but I'm not sure.

I'd rather not publish a level until I can figure out how they work. Could someone help?

EDIT: Oops, I clicked the Resolve button.

P#11301 2015-06-16 14:30 ( Edited 2015-06-16 19:18)

You can click the tick again to un-resolve (refresh the page to confirm)

The low-res cartridge labels aren't used yet. But when voxel-cart browsing is done (similar to the ALPHA CARTS menu), there will be a way to update cartridge labels without re-uploading the cartridge, so no problem if you want to skip it for now. Otherwise the label will start showing up in a future update.

To capture the thumbnail that is shown on the website, press F7 while playing the cartridge.

The starting room is always the first room that appears in the rooms folder. If you don't want to move your starting room there (by clicking and dragging), you can alternatively make a dummy starting room with a 'switch room' script in it:

  1. create a room at the start of the rooms folder (you can drag it to the top left corner of the room folder after creating)
  2. click on the actors tab, go up one folder and go into scripts
  3. place the 'Switch Room' script anywhere in the room and set the script parameter (SCRIPT in the object properties box) to the index of the room you want to start in.

Note that you can then optionally turn this into a title screen by setting the activation trigger of the script to SYSTEM:BUTTON:SHOOT.

P#11302 2015-06-16 14:47 ( Edited 2015-06-16 18:47)


P#11303 2015-06-16 15:18 ( Edited 2015-06-16 19:18)

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