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I discovered the Pico-8 a few months ago, and have absolutely fallen in love with this project! I realize the intentions of the creator were to make a simple and comforting console for people to enjoy, but I can't help thinking that Lexaloffle doesn't really understand how important a Pico-16 would be to the gaming community as a whole.

Having the ability to create new games with slightly better capabilities would be absolutely game-changing (pun intended). I can just imagine how many designers would build amazing new games and even bring classic games back to life with a tasteful remaster. Unfortunately I don't think that would ever happen with a standard Pico-8, because the specs simply don't allow for this to happen. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the games that are available on the Pico-8 (as well as the limitations), but I can only imagine what a 16 bit version might look like! I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that a Pico 16 would make for the perfect fantasy console of all time!

P#147511 2024-04-28 19:51