-- ThePixelToy -- by antibrain --[[ todo: maybe some sort of GOL type sounds/graphics/prebuilt maps when ptron 0.1 comes out scene loader from clipboard to make something like TPT's save browser more pixel types more reactions make neut/prot act like they do in TPT instead of acting like GAS/FIRE saving/loading saves to hard disc. maybe using printh as file? cartdata? chemestry? air pressure heat simulate each pixel individualy so we can track its heat, speed, mass, weight, etc. virus because virus in TPT is very satisfying make fill/line tool not terrible deco layers ability to change sim speed full keyboard support? ]]-- j=0 dc=5 size=0 sim=1 function _update() --update loop mx,my,mb=get_mouse() --get mouse data simulatepixels() --simulate pixels controls() --allow game to be controlled end function _draw() --draw loop mousedraw() --draw with mouse ui() --draw ui end function simulatepixels() if sim==1 then for i=1,4000 do --4000 times per frame (30fps?) local x=rnd(480) --get random x and local y=rnd(270) --y values and local c=pget(x,y) --get the color of that pixel. if c==8 then --is red if pget(x,y+1)!=5 and pget(x,y+1)!=7 then --check all bordering pixels and if any of them arent a wall pset(x,y+1,c) --then set it to red end if pget(x,y-1)!=5 and pget(x,y-1)!=7 then --repeat for all other bordering pixels pset(x,y-1,c) end if pget(x+1,y)!=5 and pget(x+1,y)!=7 then pset(x+1,y,c) end if pget(x-1,y)!=5 and pget(x-1,y)!=7 then pset(x-1,y,c) end end if c==15 then --sand if pget(x,y+1)==0 then --sand pset(x,y+1,c) --f a l l pset(x,y,0) end if pget(x,y+1)==12 then pset(x,y+1,c) pset(x,y,12) end if pget(x,y+1)==1 then pset(x,y+1,c) pset(x,y,1) end end if c==2 or c==10 or c==11 then --gas (fire?)/neut/prot (i couldnt get neut/prot to act normal so i gave up :p ) local j=flr(rnd(4)) --pick random number local q=flr(rnd(2)) if q==1 and c==2 then --decay randoly pset(x,y,0) end if q!=4 and j==0 and pget(x+1,y)==0 then --go in random direction pset(x,y,0) pset(x+1,y,c) end if q!=4 and j==1 and pget(x-1,y)==0 then pset(x,y,0) pset(x-1,y,c) end if q!=4 and j==2 and pget(x,y+1)==0 then pset(x,y,0) pset(x,y+1,c) end if q!=4 and j==3 and pget(x,y-1)==0 then pset(x,y,0) pset(x,y-1,c) end if c==11 then if pget(x+1,y)==1 and pget(x+1,y)==0 then pset(x+1,y,11) end if pget(x-1,y)==1 and pget(x-1,y)==0 then pset(x-1,y,11) end if pget(x,y+1)==1 and pget(x,y+1)==0 then pset(x,y+1,11) end if pget(x,y-1)==1 and pget(x,y-1)==0 then pset(x,y-1,11) end end if c==2 and pget(x,y+1)==12 or pget(x,y-1)==12 or pget(x-1,y)==12 or pget(x+1,y)==12 then pset(x,y,0) end end if c==12 or c==1 or c==9 then --warder/deut/lava physics if pget(x,y+1)==0 then --let it fall down pset(x,y,0) pset(x,y+1,c) elseif pget(x-1,y)==0 then --if there's an open space and it isnt in free-fall, pset(x-1,y,c) --allow it to drip left and pset(x,y,0) elseif pget(x+1,y)==0 then pset(x+1,y,c) --right as well pset(x,y,0) end if c==1 and pget(x,y+1)==11 or pget(x,y-1)==11 or pget(x-1,y)==11 or pget(x+1,y)==11 then pset(x,y,11) end end if c==16 then --remove fill border pset(x,y,0) end if c==3 or c==4 then --wood/plant/foliage if pget(x,y+1)==2 or pget(x,y+1)==9 then pset(x,y,2) end if pget(x,y-1)==2 or pget(x,y-1)==9 then pset(x,y,2) end if pget(x+1,y)==2 or pget(x+1,y)==9 then pset(x,y,2) end if pget(x-1,y)==2 or pget(x-1,y)==9 then pset(x,y,2) end if c==3 then if pget(x,y+1)==12 then pset(x,y+1,3) end if pget(x,y-1)==12 then pset(x,y-1,3) end if pget(x+1,y)==12 then pset(x+1,y,3) end if pget(x-1,y)==12 then pset(x-1,y,3) end end end if c==14 then if pget(x,y+1)==0 then pset(x,y,0) pset(x,y+1,14) end if pget(x,y+1)>0 and pget(x,y+1)!=5 and pget(x,y+1)!=14 and pget(x,y+1)!=29 then circfill(x-4,y-4,16,2) end end if c==6 then if pget(x,y+1)==10 or pget(x,y+1)==9 then pset(x,y,9) end if pget(x,y-1)==10 or pget(x,y-1)==9 then pset(x,y,9) end if pget(x+1,y)==10 or pget(x+1,y)==9 then pset(x,y,9) end if pget(x-1,y)==10 or pget(x-1,y)==9 then pset(x,y,9) end end if c==7 then if pget(x,y+1)==0 then pset(x,y,0) pset(x,y+1,7) end if pget(x,y+1)==12 then pset(x,y+1,7) end if pget(x,y-1)==12 then pset(x,y-1,7) end if pget(x+1,y)==12 then pset(x+1,y,7) end if pget(x-1,y)==12 then pset(x-1,y,7) end if pget(x,y+1)==2 or pget(x,y+1)==9 then pset(x,y,12) end if pget(x,y-1)==2 or pget(x,y-1)==9 then pset(x,y,12) end if pget(x+1,y)==2 or pget(x+1,y)==9 then pset(x,y,12) end if pget(x-1,y)==2 or pget(x-1,y)==9 then pset(x,y,12) end end if c==9 then local q if pget(x+1,y)==6 and q==0 then pset(x+1,y,c) end if pget(x-1,y)==6 and q==0 then pset(x-1,y,c) end if pget(x,y+1)==6 and q==0 then pset(x,y+1,c) end if pget(x,y-1)==6 and q==0 then pset(x,y-1,c) end if pget(x+1,y)==12 or pget(x-1,y)==12 or pget(x,y+1)==12 or pget(x,y-1)==12 then pset(x,y,6) q=1 else q=0 end end end end end function mousedraw() if mb==1 and not(btn(5)) then --if left click then circfill(mx,my,size,dc) --draw red/wall at mouse pos elseif mb==2 then --if right click (or ctrl click) circfill(mx,my,size,0) --erase (draw black at mouse pos) end if btn(5) then --check if x is pressed if mb==1 and j==0 then --only do this once per fill! ox=mx --set old mx to mc oy=my --same for old my j=1 --j end if mb==1 then-- if mousedown omb=1 --set old mouse click to 1 rect(ox,oy,mx,my,16) --fill outline elseif omb==1 then --if its one then rectfill(ox,oy,mx,my,dc) --fill omb=0 --set old mouse button to 0 (because mouse was released) ox=nil --nil ox and oy oy=nil j=0 --j end else ox=nil --if x isnt pressed, nil x and y, then j oy=nil j=0 end end function ui() --ui bar rectfill(0,0,480,8,29) --bar circfill(4,4,2,dc) --current color rect(0,0,8,8,5) --outline on current color print("size:"..flr(size),50,1,0)--brush size print(scolor,12,1,0) print("Cpu: "..flr(stat(1)*10),100,1,0) if sim==1 then print("running",445,1,0) else print("paused!",445,1,0) end if dc==0 then scolor="erase"end if dc==1 then scolor="deut"end if dc==2 then scolor="fire"end if dc==3 then scolor="plant"end if dc==4 then scolor="wood"end if dc==5 then scolor="wall"end if dc==6 then scolor="stone"end if dc==7 then scolor="snow"end if dc==8 then scolor="eater"end if dc==9 then scolor="lava"end if dc==10 then scolor="proton"end if dc==11 then scolor="neutron"end if dc==12 then scolor="water"end if dc==13 then scolor="paint"end if dc==14 then scolor="bomb"end if dc==15 then scolor="sand"end end function controls() --controls if btn(1) then dc+=0.1 end --change brush color if btn(0) then dc-=0.1 end if dc<0 then dc=0 end --dont let color be too much or little or else if dc>15 then dc=15 end --the screen dies :( if btn(2) then size+=0.1 end --change brush size if btn(3) then size-=0.1 end if size<0 then size=0 end--dont let it go negative if btn(4)==true then sim=0 else sim=1 end --pause when z is held if btn(1)==false and btn(0)==false then dc=flr(dc) end end