omen [Lexaloffle Blog Feed] Colors, how do they work? <p>I am trying to recreate the background used in the sfx tool.</p> <p>In main.lua, the sfx tool uses a combination of <code>fillp()</code> and <code>rectfill()</code>. When I use that same combo in my own cart, all I get is a black screen. In the tool, the <code>rectfill</code> color is specified as <code>32 | (33*256)</code>. To me that seems to be a complicated way to specify color. It's also well outside the 32 defined colors. Additionally, when I change the color to be a value in [0,31], I get the correct pattern but the wrong color (obviously).</p> <p>Further research suggests there are ways to <a href="">manipulate</a> the color palette. The is seemingly a <a href="">hidden color palette</a> even!</p> <p>Could anyone offer insight into what is going on? Or how to make the background found in the sfx tool?</p> Tue, 26 Mar 2024 12:52:02 UTC