Santiagoi [Lexaloffle Blog Feed] keyboard shortcuts for drawing tools in sprite editor + show on status line <p>I would love to see the following feature added to the sprite editor:</p> <p>Keyboard shortcuts for changing the active drawing tool. This would be especially useful when editing in 'full frame' mode and the tool buttons are not visible.</p> <p>Suggestion:</p> <p>p - pen<br /> s - stamp (Note: currently used for select, see below)<br /> f - fill (Note: currently used for flip, see below)<br /> c - circle/oval<br /> l - line<br /> b - box (also know as rectangle, but r is already used for rotate)</p> <p>Notes:</p> <p>The s key is already used for select in pen mode, but I never use it, because it's the same as the Shift key. The key could be re-assigned IMHO.</p> <p>The f key is already used for flipping horizontally. But it's the same as the H key. The key could be re-assigned IMHO.</p> <p>More ideas:</p> <p>Because in full-view mode, you can't see the tools, it would be nice to show the active tool in the bottom status bar (or perhaps in the top bar?). As a bonus, why not show the currently active color there too?</p> Tue, 08 Nov 2022 20:21:19 UTC