pauluspaulus [Lexaloffle Blog Feed] Communication between two embedded games <p>I am working on a Pico game with some Backyard Baseball-esque mechanics. However, I would like to work in Twine for some more advanced dialogue options. </p> <p>So the question: Is it possible for a Pico game to communicate with other embedded HTML games in the same webpage. Specifically, I am hoping to embed a Twine game, side by side with the Pico game and have the gameplay switch back and forth.</p> <p>Would I be able to accomplish this via GPIO? I have found the documentation to be confusing and a little thin, focused mainly Raspberry Pi implementation. I think I would need to send a message to the embedding website (a page on my own website) and then send it to the other game? Is that even possible in HTML5.</p> <p>Alternatively, I have considered the games to somehow &quot;call&quot; each other from inside their respective HTML/JS code, replacing the other game temporarily. Again, I am not quite familiar enough with HTML/JS/CSS to know where to begin here. Thanks in advance for any help</p> Tue, 23 Mar 2021 17:09:46 UTC