Vampirics [Lexaloffle Blog Feed] Can't find my .p8 saved files on Raspberry Pi <p>Hi, i just bought Pico-8 and made it so that i use a raspberry Pi 3 as a dedicated Pico-8 computer/console.<br /> I am booting directly to Pico-8 when i turn on my Pi, everything works great except i can't manage .p8 files like deleting unused files etc.</p> <p>I do know where the files are usually located when you run Pico-8 from the desktop. But it looks like when booting directly to pico-8 and not the desktop, the files are not at the same location.</p> <p>Does anyone knows what i am doing wrong? I already know and tested using pico-8 from the desktop in Pi OS and it all works fine and files are saved in the CARTS folder, but if i am running Pico-8 directly booting in it it's like the files are not saved where they should.</p> <p>Can someone help me make it so that i can still use Pico-8 directly from boot and still have access to the .p8 files on desktop if i need to delete .p8 files?</p> <p>I probably did not post this where it should but had no idea where to ask for help</p> <p>Thank you!</p> Fri, 18 Sep 2020 15:22:29 UTC