toadd [Lexaloffle Blog Feed] Trying to configure NES MINI controller through mayflash wii adapter <p>Hello,</p> <p>i have a nes mini controller that i'd like to use with pico8.</p> <p>I bought a mayflash &quot;wii classic controller adapter&quot; to plug the controller in usb.</p> <p>The buttons are not correctly mapped by PICO8.</p> <p>DPAD UP is mapped on pico8 button 3<br /> DPAD DOWN is mapped on pico8 button 1<br /> DPAD RIGHT is mapped on 0<br /> DPAD LEFT is NOT mapped<br /> BUTTON A and B are both mapped to button 5</p> <p>I use the code over there to test the controller mapping: <a href=""></a></p> <p>I decided to create my own controller mapping string using SDL2 gamepad tool. I read somewhere that i had to configure the left joystick to get it to work in pico8 but i wasn't successul. Putting this mapping in the sdl_controllers.txt file</p> <p>03000000791d00000103000000000000,Dual Box WII,platform:Windows,x:b1,y:b2,-leftx:b15,+leftx:b13,-lefty:b12,+lefty:b14,</p> <p>gave me the same result as before.</p> <p>One thing i find odd is that in the log file i can read:</p> <p>Reading controller mappings: C:/Users/USER/AppData/Roaming/pico-8/sdl_controllers.txt<br /> added controller mapping: 03000000791d00000103000000000000,Dual Box WII,platform:Windows,x:b1,y:b2,-leftx:b15,+leftx:b13,-lefty:b12,+lefty:b14,<br /> searching for joysticks<br /> found 2 joysticks<br /> Unmapped Joystick 0: Dual Box WII<br /> Number of Axes: 4<br /> Number of Buttons: 16<br /> Number of Balls: 0<br /> Unmapped Joystick 1: Dual Box WII<br /> Number of Axes: 4<br /> Number of Buttons: 16<br /> Number of Balls: 0<br /> ok</p> <p>which make it seems like pico8 is not taking the mapping into account, &quot;Unmapped Joystick&quot;.</p> <p>Thanks for your help!</p> Tue, 29 Jan 2019 17:33:33 UTC