Ledicdra [Lexaloffle Blog Feed]https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?uid=33362 Confusing Prison Mansion <p> <table><tr><td> <a href="/bbs/?pid=60166#p"> <img src="/bbs/thumbs/pico8_confusing_prison_mansion-1.png" style="height:256px"></a> </td><td width=10></td><td valign=top> <a href="/bbs/?pid=60166#p"> confusing_prison_mansion</a><br><br> by <a href="/bbs/?uid=33362"> Ledicdra</a> <br><br><br> <a href="/bbs/?pid=60166#p"> [Click to Play]</a> </td></tr></table> </p> <p>8 DAYS | RANDOM GENERATED GAME TITLE | PICO 8</p> <p>Confusing Prison Mansion and what we did with the title.</p> <p>This prison is so boring. I mean what are you supposed to do with all this free time.<br /> Read books? No&hellip; and the interior as well. It&lsquo;s so lame. Could do with some color and nice new furniture.<br /> To be honest I&lsquo;d rather be in a mansion right now.<br /> Collecting keys, opening doors and stepping on that mysterious light spot might help with that.<br /> Oh, and don&rsquo;t get caught by the cop!</p> <p>Confusing Prison Mansion is a challenging puzzle adventure created by three tired Students. For the first ever game we created, we had the challenge of using a random game title. We generated our game title with The Video Game Name GeneratorThe Video Game Name Generator.</p> <p>Hope you enjoy our game.</p> https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=32649 https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=32649 Thu, 20 Dec 2018 12:12:53 UTC