NVriezen [Lexaloffle Blog Feed]https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?uid=32506 Dev Jam #1 <p>The debut of <strong>DEVJAM</strong> is here!<br /> As of October 29th<br /> Combining elements of a standard Game Jam with one of those competitive drawing challenges you probably have seen before. </p> <p>Two developer friends are battling against each other in a deadline time span of two weeks, to create a game in their own way with a certain theme as base.</p> <p><strong>This edition</strong><br /> The fierce Game Developers Pixelboii and NVriezen, will compete against each other for the following week.<br /> Both developers are working hard to prove that only one can be the best.<br /> Creating games in PICO8 for the first time and doing it in only two weeks.<br /> This Dev Jam puts the developers to the test.</p> <p><strong>Alright, but what about now?</strong></p> <p>Of course YOU play a part in this as well.<br /> We would really love you guys to check our games and vote for the best one via this link:<br /> <a href="https://nvriezen.itch.io/devjam">https://nvriezen.itch.io/devjam</a></p> <p>The games get updated regularly throughout this week. </p> <p>Thanks a bunch!</p> https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=32196 https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=32196 Wed, 07 Nov 2018 10:11:21 UTC