mqarkcambie [Lexaloffle Blog Feed] Reading suitable for commuting <p>First thing - Hi! I've just started my journey in Pico8 land and love it so far.</p> <p>I was wondering if there's some form of read-it-away-from-a-computer reference pico8 document I can use for when I'm trying to learn the language off-line. I'd really love to grok it so that I know all the built in stuff and that it's hammered into my brain using all the various learning methods at my disposal including copying code from examples, adapting them to my own purposes and then trying to recall them to make simple stuff on my own until I get to the point it's all so second nature that I can then concentrate on the bigger picture.</p> <p>What I'm getting at is that there's loads of type along examples (which is great - thanks everyone!), but what I'd like to take advantage of is some nice explanations of built in functions and methods and practices for doing what we do specifically in pico8 that don't require me to type anything (for the times when I'm on the train, in the bath. etc.)</p> <p>Thanks in advance!</p> Tue, 20 Feb 2018 09:07:57 UTC