RoboticSarcasm [Lexaloffle Blog Feed] [Devblog] God of Pets: Kitten Evolution <p><strong>EDIT: God of Pets: Kitten Evolution is out now! Play for free at <a href="">this link!</a></strong></p> <p>Hi! Me and a buddy are making a free Pico-8 game where you're a god trying to help a kitty out of a tree by drawing clouds inbetween branches of different trees to make sure the kitty stays alive! We started yesterday, and are planning to release it Monday the 6th of November! Although we're both relatively experienced programmers, we are new to pico-8 &amp; are loving it.</p> <p><strong>DAY 1 OF GOD OF PETS: KITTEN EVOLUTION</strong><br /> We started the day off by making two totally adorable kitten sprites, and figuring out how to draw them to the screen.</p> <img style="margin-bottom:16px" border=0 src=" intensifying.gif" width=640 height=480 alt="" /> <p>After finishing that, we spent the rest of the day creating some environmental sprites and more importantly, making our kitty even cuter by animating it and giving the kitten its movement! We also made a preliminary map, and programmed the kitten's collision and gravity. We then did some up-front work for the cloud drawing mechanic by making a visual cursor follow the mouse position. </p> <img style="margin-bottom:16px" border=0 src=" walking anim.gif" width=640 height=480 alt="" /> <p>We're planning on adding a post to this thread every day to keep you up to date with our current kitty state of affairs! <strong>You can also follow us on Twitter at <a href=""><a href=""> @RoboticSarcasm</a></a> and <a href=""><a href=""> @Shikariix</a></a></strong></p> Wed, 01 Nov 2017 05:53:33 UTC