tower07 [Lexaloffle Blog Feed] DOTA-8 (v1.1) <p> <table><tr><td> <a href="/bbs/?pid=74752#p"> <img src="/bbs/thumbs/pico8_dota8v1_1-1.png" style="height:256px"></a> </td><td width=10></td><td valign=top> <a href="/bbs/?pid=74752#p"> DOTA-8 (v1.1)</a><br><br> by <a href="/bbs/?uid=24752"> tower07</a> <br><br><br> <a href="/bbs/?pid=74752#p"> [Click to Play]</a> </td></tr></table> </p> <p>DOTA-8 is Valve's immensely popular Dota 2 re-imagined as an 8-bit title on PICO-8, a fantasy retro console.</p> <p>I had a lot of fun working on such a crunch-heavy game in a teeny engine, and I hope you have fun playing!<br /> Warning: There is absolutely no way this game is balanced in the slightest, so play at your own risk!</p> <p>HOW TO PLAY:</p> <p>CONTROLS<br /> Arrow keys for movement, Z and X to use abilities and menus.</p> <p>GOAL<br /> Your goal is to destroy all three of the enemy towers before they destroy your's.<br /> Heroes are too weak to fight them head-on in the beginning, so you must level them up by farming creeps and skirmishing with enemy heroes.<br /> Each hero grows stats in different ways, and has two unique abilities unlocked at various levels.<br /> Try them all!</p> <p>PICKING HEROES<br /> On the first screen, you will build your team of five heroes.<br /> Use left and right to move the cursor, and the primary button (Z on keyboard) to pick one.<br /> Once you choose all five, the enemy team will secretly pick 5 of the heroes left over.</p> <p>STRATEGY PHASE<br /> There are three lanes: top, middle, and bottom.<br /> You'll assign each hero in your team to one of the lanes in order.<br /> You can't leave a lane empty, and a lane can't put more than three heroes in one.<br /> Once you set up your lanes, the enemy team will reveal how they set their's.<br /> Next, you will play the three lanes in order before returning to the strategy phase.</p> <p>PLAYING<br /> At the start, you'll get to choose which hero in the lane you want to play as.<br /> Once you pick, everyone will spawn, along with waves of creeps.<br /> You can attack enemy units by overlapping with them.<br /> As enemies die, you will gain xp. When you gain enough, you'll level up!<br /> Leveling up increases your stats and sometimes unlocks new abilities.<br /> To use an ability, press either the main or secondary button. (Z or X on keyboard)<br /> After use, the ability will go on cooldown.<br /> The round will end after a set time limit at the top.<br /> Destroy the enemy tower in each lane to win!</p> <p>HERO ABILITIES:</p> <p>DRAGON KNIGHT<br /> Breathe Fire (Lv 2): Deals damage through a wide fire blast in any direction.<br /> Dragon Form (Lv 4): Temporarily turns Dragon Knight into a blue dragon, greatly increasing his HP and damage.</p> <p>PUDGE<br /> Meat Hook (Lv 2): Instantly teleports the nearest enemy hero to Pudge's location.<br /> Rot (Lv 3): Deals damage in a radius to all enemies, along with Pudge himself.</p> <p>CHAOS KNIGHT<br /> Chaos Strike (Lv 3): Deals a random amount of damage to every hero in a radius, up to 10 times Chaos Knight's current attack power.<br /> Phantasm (Lv 5): Spawns 3 clones of Chaos Knight with half health that attack the nearest enemy.</p> <p>ARC WARDEN<br /> Spark Wraith (Lv 3): Spawns a wraith that deals strong damage, but dies quickly.<br /> Tempest Double (Lv 5): Spawns a clone of Arc Warden with Hero AI. It respawns sometime after death.</p> <p>SHADOW FIEND<br /> Shadowraze (Lv 3): Deals heavy damage in a blast a ways away from Shadow Fiend. The Number indicates how far it will go, resetting every 3 uses.<br /> Presence (Lv 4): Drastically cuts the armor of all enemies in a radius.</p> <p>ANTI-MAGE<br /> Blink (Lv 2): Teleports Anti-Mage in any direction.<br /> Mana Void (Lv 5): Deals damage to each enemy in a radius based on how long that enemy's current spell cooldowns are. Does nothing against non-heroes.</p> <p>ZEUS<br /> Arc Lightning (Lv 2): Deals damage in a radius around Zeus.<br /> Thundergod (Lv 6): Deals incredible damage to every enemy unit on the screen.</p> <p>SHADOW SHAMAN<br /> Hex (Lv 2): Temporarily turns the nearest enemy hero into a chicken, reducing their attack and armor.<br /> Mass Serpents (Lv 4): Spawns 10 unmoving serpents that deal damage to any enemy that touches them.</p> <p>RUBICK<br /> Spell Steal (Lv 3): Copies a random spell from the nearest enemy hero. Rubick can then use that ability as his own second ability. Using Spell Steal again will replace the stolen spell.</p> <p>OGRE MAGI<br /> Fireblast (Lv 3): Deals damage in a blast near Ogre Magi. Has a chance to be cast up to 4 times.<br /> Bloodlust (Lv 4): Invigorates a random ally to attack much faster. Has a chance to be cast up to 4 times.</p> <p>LINA<br /> Dragon Slave (Lv 2): Damages all enemies in a line.<br /> Laguna Blade (Lv 4): Deals insane amounts of damage to the nearest enemy hero.</p> <p>OTHER NOTES:</p> <p>I'm finished adding content to the game (and maxed out the token limit), but I may patch some bugs and tweak the balancing if there is interest. Let me know what you think<br /> v1.1 PATCH NOTES: (4/14/2020)</p> <p>Buffed Shadow Fiend's Shadowraze<br /> Buffed Shadow Fiend's Presence<br /> Buffed Ogre Magi's Bloodlust<br /> Buffed Shadow Shaman's Mass Serpents<br /> Nerfed Lina's Laguna Blade<br /> Slightly nerfed Anti-Mage's Mana Void<br /> Slightly nerfed Ogre Magi's Fireblast<br /> Fixed Zeus' Thundergod damaging dead units</p> Tue, 14 Apr 2020 20:21:49 UTC CAST2 <p> <table><tr><td> <a href="/bbs/?pid=41903#p"> <img src="/bbs/thumbs/pico41902.png" style="height:256px"></a> </td><td width=10></td><td valign=top> <a href="/bbs/?pid=41903#p"> CAST2</a><br><br> by <a href="/bbs/?uid=24752"> tower07</a> <br><br><br> <a href="/bbs/?pid=41903#p"> [Click to Play]</a> </td></tr></table> </p> <p>My improvement upon the CAST demo. It includes procedurally generated terrain using a basic implementation of 2d perlin noise. Z to jump, X to regenerate terrain. Excuse the debug stuff in the top left :)<br /> Feel free to use any code snippets you find useful!</p> Fri, 23 Jun 2017 21:53:01 UTC