AnuBius [Lexaloffle Blog Feed] iOS/Android Ports? <p>Really simple question, when (if at all) will there be ports of Pico-8 for Android and iOS?<br /> I think that would be a perfect way to emphasize the portability and make-a-game-anywhere aspect that I love about Pico-8.</p> <p>I have read in the FAQ that says &quot;Ports for iOS and android and possibly other platforms are planned after 1.0&quot;, which I dont know if its still accurate. Any ideas on if this will still be a thing?<br /> Id even buy it another time ;P</p> <p>EDIT: if it does get ported somehow, please add Hardware-keyboard support, not just for typing but also for actually playing :P</p> Sat, 12 Aug 2017 22:03:18 UTC