lkayo [Lexaloffle Blog Feed] How to delete a room? <p>Hi, again!</p> <p>When I was making a level I added a new room (room [1]) to my inventory, but I was already working on room[0]. The room[1] is empty and when I save the level, the room[1] remains there. How could I delete an empty room to save just the important ones?</p> <p>Thanks =)</p> Thu, 03 Nov 2011 07:06:21 UTC Doubts about the level editor <p>Hi! I just bought the game on Humble Voxatron Bundle and I am loving it! I was messing around with the editor and I want to know if you may help me with some things.</p> <p>1) I'd like to put some &quot;fireworks&quot; on my level. I'm trying but I don't know how to program an actor/object to go up on the screen, disapear and be substituted by other figures. I can just program at what time it'll appear on the screen, but the velocity or the direction of a movement, I can't. At least, I didn't found how to do it yet.<br /> 2) How can I make some object to move on the screen? I know that the pre-set actor can move itself, but how can a new actor do the same?<br /> 3) How can I place an object flying in the air, like the dragon of the original game, without let it fall on the ground? Even if the actor is static, when I click on the play button, it simply fall and lose its format in a mess of voxels :/ I tried to place a pre-set object (flower) suspended in the air, and it didn't appear on the screen when I clicked play.<br /> 4) I'm having some dificulties to delete an object placed. What's the right way to do it?</p> <p>Thanks =)</p> Thu, 03 Nov 2011 02:26:38 UTC