SmokestormX [Lexaloffle Blog Feed] Hello Voxatron World <p>Hello everyone!</p> <p>I thought I would add the first level I created as I was learning all triggers, I really enjoy games with level editors built in and I really like what Lexaloffle has done here, I hope it continues to have features added to it for even more customisation of player levels.</p> <p>I guess people learning how to do things could look at my level in the editor and see how it was structured, that's what i've been doing. Anyway Enjoy...</p> <p>Time to work on a multi level masterpiece for a proper submission to the BBS.</p> <img style="margin-bottom:16px" border=0 src="" width=488 height=371 alt="" /> Thu, 03 Nov 2011 10:19:30 UTC