Alligatronica [Lexaloffle Blog Feed] 'Native' wrappers around Pico-8 <p>I've been meaning to ask around about interest in this for a while, but as far as I can tell, generated Pico-8 HTML/JS is free to be used as I please.</p> <p>As someone who uses Cordova and Electron a lot in my job, my first thought was to wrap a project in Electron for a Pico-8-free 'native' app, perhaps with arcade style frames, additional controls, etc. This also extends to Cordova for iOS/Android (with a bit of faffing around to replicate keypresses).</p> <p>My thought is that it opens up Pico-8 hobbyists to create games they can distribute (and sell? I don't know what the ramifications of this are) and expand the freedom that people have. There's also scope for additional experimentation, using smartphone sensors for controls, etc.</p> <p>I suppose I wanted to bring up 2 discussion points:</p> <p><strong>1. Are there any limitations on what can and cannot be done with either the generated code or the .p8 file data itself?</strong></p> <p>and</p> <p><strong>2. Are people interested in wrapping their Pico-8 games in a way that they can play Pico-8 games both outside of Pico-8 and outside of their web browser?</strong></p> <p>Apologies if this is something someone has already brought up, I'd seen earlier similar discussions, but may have missed anything that fully clears it up in my mind.</p> Mon, 08 Feb 2016 08:16:09 UTC